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Cross Folder AFC-74 Series

Professional Folding
The AFC-74 series B1-format folder combines simple operation, quick changeover, high production speed,and superior fold quality.

1. The folder is easy and intuitive to set-up, even without a skilled operator, thanks to the intelligent

automation and user-friendly design.

2. A wide variety of fold patterns are automatically set by inputting the sheet size and selecting a fold pattern through the large color touchscreen.

3. 3 different types of feed units can be selected for various work environments: Flat Pile Feeder, Pallet Pile Feeder and Round Pile Feeder.

4. Fold rollers are constructed with a combination of steel and soft polyurethane for superior grip and sharp, consistent folding.

5. The folder can be enhanced with JDF workflow from upstream to the postpress using pXnet bindery control system.




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